Introduction to physical oceanography
EPS 131 (Fall 2005)
Instructor: Eli Tziperman,
TF: Laure Zanna,, tel: 617-496-6361, office:
Geol. Mus. 101. office hours: Mon 2-3pm; section: Frid 2-3pm, Geol
Mus 103A.
Day, time & location: M-W-F 10:00-11:00 Location: Maxwell Dworkin G135
Textbooks | Outline | Detailed Syllabus | Additional reading | Requirements | Links |
Feel free to write or call me with any questions:
Eli Tziperman; eli AT
Office hours: call/ write.
Homework: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08. 09. 10.
Laure's homework solutions: 01, 02 (and this), 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10,
What's the point of optional/ extra credit problems: apart from the fun of doing them, they will count against homework problems in which you may have missed an answer. . .
Matlab programs: finite_diff_ex.m, levitus94_temperature_profile.m, phase_velocity2d.m, pipe_1d_tracer.m, ripples.m,
group vs phase, animated, Ian Eisenman
The movie competition! Particle motion in surface gravity waves: Ben&Eric, Dave&Itay, Doug&Ellen, Saira&Atreyee, VY, Glenn,
Basic observations and theoretical understanding of ocean phenomena
from local surface beach waves to the effects of the oceans on global
climate. Observations and dynamics of ocean waves, currents,
turbulence, temperature and salinity distributions; Basic fluid
dynamics equations; the ocean's role in climate: wind-driven
circulation and the Gulf stream, thermohaline circulation and the
potential instability of Europe's climate, El Nino, the oceans and
global warming. A field trip to Cape Code and the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 21 or Applied Mathematics 21, Physics 11 or
15 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
(Somewhat more detailed lecture
notes, other
images and
Homework will be given throughout the course. The best 80% of the
homework will constitute 40% of the final grade. Each student will be
invited to present a brief informal description of some aspects of the
ocean circulation and its role in climate (20%), see details
for a list of possible
subjects. The times of the presentations are given
here. The final exam
will be a take home (40%).
Main ones:
Also interesting:
Detailed syllabus
Continuity equation (mass conservation, Kn, Box 4.1 p 69),
incompressible fluids. Stream line Ku 3.4, p 53-56),
stream function (Ku 3.13, p 69-70). Temperature and
salinity equations (conservation of heat and salt, Kn, end
of Box 4.1 p 70-71 and Box 4.2 p 74-75), molecular vs eddy mixing,
Equation of state. Ocean: GEOSECS sections and typical
exponential temperature profile, the overturning ocean circulation
and the vertical temperature profile in the ocean (abyssal recipes).
Solar radiation, SW and LW absorption, earth energy balance, ocean
vs land heat capacity, air-sea heat flux components and geographic
distribution, meridional ocean heat flux (Kn p 39-61;
on-line figures from St sections 5.1,5.2,5.4,5.6,5.7 and
two heat-flux images from supporting material directory).
Ocean/ Atmosphere: The Boussinesq approximation
(Ku 4.18, p 117-119); scaling of continuity equation,
smallness of vertical velocity, and the hydrostatic balance as an
approximation to the z-momentum equation. Primitive equations.
Scaling of momentum equations, Rossby number , and Ekman
; both are small for large-scale ocean flows, and
derivation of geostrophy (Kn p 110). Weather systems and
pressure highs and lows, ocean gyres and ocean surface height,
temperature/ density section across the Gulf Stream. Thermal wind
equations the problem of the ``level of no motion''; sea surface
height variation across the Gulf Stream.
T-S diagrams and mixing of two and three water masses (OU p
225-229); T, S geographic distributions (Kn p 163-183);
nonlinearity of eqn of state: sigma theta inversion for AABW
(Kn p 38 fig 2.9), cabbeling.
), damped inertial
motions (
), geostrophy (
), Ekman layers/ drift
), buoyancy oscillations (
), hydrostatic balance
). In temperature equation: abyssal recipes and
exponential temperature profile (
); vertical velocity being
so small (
Additional reading:
Beginning texts:
Intermediate texts:
Advanced texts: