
Global Warming Science: A quantitative introduction to the science of climate change and its consequences, meant to assist students to process issues that often appear in the news and public debates. Topics include the greenhouse effect and consequences of the rise of greenhouse gasses, including sea level rise, ocean acidification, heat waves, droughts and floods, glacier melting, forest fires, expected changes to hurricanes and more. The scientific basis for each subject will be covered, and every class will involve a hands-on analysis of observations, climate models, and climate feedbacks, using Python Jupyter notebooks. Throughout, an ability to critically evaluate observations, predictions, and risk will be developed. 

Course modules

Slides, code for the workshops and video lectures for each module are provided at the links below (videos also available under youtube). A pdf copy of all class workshops is available here.
For instructors: A solutions manual for the course workshops may be requested from the publisher here.

Many thanks to Alex Griswold for preparing the videos and to Dan Schrag and the Harvard University Center for the Environment for their support in making these videos.


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Introduction lecture

Motivation, logistics, course overview, introduction to python Jupyter notebooks.

Slides  Code Video

The basics

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Energy balance, natural and anthropogenic greenhouse effect, how greenhouse gasses work.

Slides  Code  Video
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Climate sensitivity, delayed warming due to ocean heat capacity, polar amplification, hiatus perios, stratospheric cooling.

Slides  Code Video 


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Sea level

Global vs regional sea level rise, ocean water warming and land ice melting, wind, atmospheric pressure and gravitational effects.

Slides  Code  Video
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The ocean carbonate system, CO2 and acidification, effects on ocean biology.

Slides  Code  Video
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Ocean circulation

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, ocean temperature, salinity, density, tipping points and surprises.

Slides  Code 


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Uncertainty, uncertainty, uncertainty: cloud types, radiative effects, atmospheric convection, microphysics, cloud feedbacks.

Slides  Code  Video
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Sea surface temperature and wind shear, analyzing observed changes, hurricane energetics and a possible future intensification.

Slides  Code  Video


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Arctic sea ice 

Observed changes to Arctic ice extent, area, volume & age, stagnation of Antarctic sea ice, sea-ice feedbacks, detection of anthropogenic change.

Slides  Code  Video
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Greenland and Antarctica 

Surface mass balance, ablation vs accumulation, positive degree days, calving, marine ice sheet instability, basal processes, ice streams acceleration, Moulins, ice ages.

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Mountain glaciers

Observed retreat over past 150 years, acceleration in recent decades, equilibrium line, ice cores and glacier length records, little ice age vs anthropogenic climate change.

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Warming consequences

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Droughts and Floods

Precipitation, evaporation and soil moisture, forcing of drought events by remote SST, El NiƱo, past droughts from tree rings, future projections case studies: Sahel & South-West US, understanding global-scale precipitation projections, extreme precipitation events.

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Heat waves

Heat waves as weather events, roles of high pressure aloft, subsidence, surface winds, clear sky & dry soil, heat stress & human health, understanding projected shift in heat wave statistics.

Slides  Code  Video
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Forest fires

Fuel aridity & fire weather indices, non-climate human influences, climate variability vs climate change, test cases: west US and Australia, global perspective.

Slides  Code  Video


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Critically reading popular press

A guided example.

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Science and policy

Analyzing a specific climate-related legistlation.



Image credits  • Lecture outline, prerequisites, requirements  • Textbook