downloads: (if you download
and use one of these, I'd be happy to hear
about it...)
Kestenberg Movement Profile Analysis
Program, by Nava Lotan and Eli
A Matlab
program for the ENSO delay oscillator
model of Tziperman
et al 1994.
program and a Matlab
program for the ENSO delay oscillator
model of Galanti
and Tziperman 2000.
FORTRAN and Matlab code for the study of
ENSO period based on UFOs of a simple delay oscillator
model for the work of Eccles
and Tziperman 2004.
The adjoint
to the Bryan-Cox model, developed by
Long, Thacker and Hwang from Miami and
used, for example, by Tziperman
et al 1992 or Sirkes
et al 1996.
8-box Sea Ice Switch model of Gildor
and Tziperman, 2001.
simpler Sea Ice Switch model of Tziperman
and Gildor, 2002.
MacAyeal-like Heinrich event model, coupled to
an ocean-atmosphere box model and showing a
triple sea ice state climate response to
Heinrich events. Demonstrating how sea ice can
significantly amplify the climate response to a
weak THC signal.
Several simple thermohaline box models used for different studies
there are also the
patches prepared by Ping
Chang allowing to run GFDL's
MOM3 model on a DEC/Compaq/HP alpha
Glacial geochemistry blues: a Matlab program for the (geo)chemically challenged (like myself).
A coupled wind driven circulation-thermohaline circulation model based on
and Tziperman (2004):
file with FORTRAN code.
A simple barotropic/ reduced gravity 1.5 layers QG model: tar file with FORTRAN code .
for the characteristics of observed Westerly
Wind Bursts (WWBs)
and Yu (2007); the Matlab code, data and
output for this work
are here
program and some scripts for converting the
community atmospheric model (CAM 3.1) netcdf
output files into the intermediate format of the
cloud resolving model, WRF. For using the output
of CAM as boundary conditions and initial
conditions for WRF.
FORTRAN code for the Abbot and Tziperman
(2008, QJRS) box model study of a convective
cloud feedback and Eocene Climate.
Matlab code for the "Pacing glacial cycles"
Tziperman et al (2006) paper about the phase locking of glacial cycles.
A Matlab code for studying the non normal growth of THC (MOC) anomalies in the GFDL coupled GCM using linear inverse modeling, for the paper by
Zanna and Penland (2008).
A Matlab code for Rossby wave ray tracing written by Jeff Shaman (with some errors introduced by ET), used for example in Shaman and Tziperman (2005).
A Code for Linear Barotropic Vorticity Equation (LBVE) written by Jeff Shaman, and used for example in Shaman and Tziperman (2007).
Matlab code for simulating Neanderthal
population for Ofer Bar Yosef
A Matlab
code for paper on biologically induced
snowball initiation, Tziperman
et al (2011).
A Matlab
code for paper on snowball two dimensional
ice flow over the ocean,
Tziperman et al (2012).
Code and scripts
for a coupled ice flow model and ocean general circulation model (MITgcm) under a
snowball ice cover, used for studying snowball ocean circulation in
et al (2013).
A Matlab
code for calculating transfer functions,
see MacMynowski
and Tziperman (2010).
Supplementary information for: "The evolution of scaling laws in the sea ice floe size distribution", Horvat and Tziperman (2017).
Code and other information for: "Understanding melting due to ocean eddy heat fluxes at the edge of sea-ice floes", Horvat and Tziperman (2018).
Europa ice flow
model code for: Ashkenazy, Sayag and Tziperman (2017).
MJO-SSW teleconnection
model code for: Kang and Tziperman (2017).
Clustering-based seasonal forecasting approach: European and middle-east precipitation
documentation and python code for: Totz Tziperman, Coumou, Pfeiffer and Cohen (2017); and an improved version of the forecasting approach: documentation and python code for: Cohen, Coumou, Mackey, Totz and Tziperman (2018)
Neural Network Matlab code and data for Eshel, Dayalu, Wofsy, Munger and Tziperman, 2018, "Listening to the forest: An artificial neural network-based model of carbon uptake at Harvard Forest".
Analyzing warm climate (e.g., Pliocene) upwelling-favorable wind events code and model input for Zhiyuan Li, Yangcheng Luo, Nathan Arnold, and Eli Tziperman, "Reductions in strong upwelling-favorable wind events in the Pliocene", 2019.
Arctic air suppression in an atmospheric GCM: code, model inputs, plotting scripts for Hu, Cronin, Tziperman, "Suppression of cold weather events over high latitude continents in warm climates", 2018.
Plotting the atmospheric meridional overturning stream function (Hadley cell) from output of the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM / CESM) using a python equivalent of the NCL zonal_mpsi command. here.
Code and scripts for running PISM for simulating the Laurentide ice sheet for Ji, Robel, Tziperman and Yang: Laurentide ice saddle merges drive rapid sea level drops during glaciation. Geophysical Research Letters (2021). here.
Code and data for examining the World Weather Attribution Project methodology: Sherman, Huybers and Tziperman 2023. here.