This time we will be reading a few small bits from several papers and blogs, please follow instructions A-E carefully: (A) [An image only] Start by looking at the global-average temperature record 1-global\_temperature-1850-2000.pdf; (B) [An image only] Look at the lower figure (Fig 6) on page 8 of 2-shaviv-blog-Carbon\_Dioxide\_or\_Solar\_Forcing.pdf and note the remarkable similarity of the global temperature record and this cosmic ray record. Both reach a max around 1950, a minimum in the 1970s, and then increase. A strong case that solar activity is the source of global warming? (C) [4 page reading] What is the physical mechanism that links the solar activity and the global temperature? Please read, 3-Svensmark-et-al-2009-GRL.pdf; (D) [2 pages] Next, see some other systematic errors in the brief paper, 4-Damon-Laut-2004-EOS.pdf; (E) [3 page non-technical reading] And finally, see a critical discussion of the physical mechanism linking cosmic rays and cloud condensation nuclei in 5-RealClimate-cosmic-rays-still-not-convincing.pdf. [Optional: In case you are interested, the technical references mentioned there see the ``more/'' folder.]