Ocean waves



  1. Motivation and some observational background
  2. Basics:

  3. Kinematics.
    Derivation of the equations of motion (Navier-Stokes equations) for an incompressible fluid in a rotating coordinate frame.
    Boussinesq approximation.
  4. Gravity waves in uniform density, without rotation:

  5. Surface gravity waves
    Shallow water equations and waves
    Adjustment under gravity
    More basics: Kelvin's circulation theorem, Vorticity equation
    Persistence of irrotationality, Potential flow
    Ertel's potential vorticity.
    Nonlinear Stokes waves, [Breaking waves]
    Nonlinear wave-wave interactions, resonant wave triads [Pedlosky 3.26]
  6. Waves in the presence of rotation:

  7. Shallow water rotating equations, `f-plane' approximation
    Waves in a uniformly rotating frame: Poincare and Kelvin waves
    Rossby adjustment problem: adjustment under gravity in the
    presence of rotation.
    Rossby number; Large scale balance of oceanic and
    atmospheric motions: geostrophy
    Effects of the Earth sphericity: the beta-plane approximation
    Waves on a beta-plane: Barotropic Rossby waves. Energy diagram,
    reflection, [Rossby waves and the western intensification]
    Rossby waves in a stratified ocean; Vertical modes on a beta plane,
    vertical modes in a stratified ocean in the presence of a
    bottm slope [Pedlosky, 6.11,6.12,6.15]
  8. Instability:

  9. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (of a stratified shear flow)
    Rayleigh-Bernard convection
    Baroclinic instability: Phillips model, mechanism,
    Necessary conditions for instability [from Holton, section 8.4.2]
    Eddy's model [from Holton, section 8.4.3]
  10. El Nino's chaos:

  11. Equatorial wave modes [Gill, section 11.4, 11.5, 11.6]
    An equatorial coupled ocean-atmosphere instability
    From steady to nonlinear periodic solutions through a coupled
    instability bifurcation, the delay oscillator mechanism
    El Nino chaos: From periodic to chaotic solutions through resonance
    overlapping. The quasi periodicity route to chaos.
  12. Geostrophic Turbulence:

  13. Fully developed turbulence
    Enstrophy and energy cascades
    Inertial ranges and spectra in 2D turbulence, [Coherent structures]

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