Eli, 20161229, updated 20170331/ 201912 Go to: https://esgf-node.llnl.gov/search/cmip5/ https://esgf-node.llnl.gov/search/cmip6/ [see also NCASR/CCSM data: https://www.earthsystemgrid.org/dataset/ucar.cgd.ccsm4.cmip5.output.html] Get an account so that you have an earthsystemgrid "open id" and corresponding password. Login! Search data by selecting, e.g., project=cmip5 institute=NOAA-GFDL model=GFDL-ESM2M experiment=piControl Click search, then add to cart, then go to cart. When viewing cart, there is an option to search among the files selected. Can search, for example, for tauo to get a list of files with x-wind stress only. Now download wget script. Edit downloaded wget script to specify data of interest. If the entries in the script are not exactly what's needed, or if starting from the wget-CMIP5.sh script here, can use the variable list in the document standard_output_variable_names_CMIP5.pdf to select needed variables, can copy-paste existing entries in wget-CMIP5.sh script and change variable name to needed ones. Make sure wget is installed on your computer Run wget script to get selected data: (-H option avoids annoying certificate/ security checks that are failing for me; -p means preserve data that failed checksum) wget-CMIP5.sh -H -p specify earthsystemgrid openid and pw when prompted To run wget script in background: use an editor to put openid and pw on two separate lines in file "input" (I keep mine in input-id-and-pw-for-CMIP5-wget under 2017spring/Misc) and then: nohup ./wget-CMIP5.sh -H -p < input& ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For ENSO: download ocean temperature, surface zonal wind stress, monthly resolution For THC: download Ocean T,S,V,MOC stream function, yearly resolution for 300 years ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comment on GFDL models: ESM2M, pressure-based vertical coordinates are used along the developmental path of GFDL’s Modular Ocean Model version 4.1. ESM2G, an independently developed isopycnal model using the Generalized Ocean Layer Dynamics (GOLD) code base was used.