SUBROUTINE ph_tdconst(K,T,S,P) C PH_eqconst $Revision: 1.0 $ $Date: 1998/12/07 $ C C USAGE: C double precision k(12),t,s,p C call ph_tdconst(k,t,s,p) C SEE ph_test.f FOR DETAILS OF USING THIS PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C C DESCRIPTION: C ph_tdconst calculates the values of thermodynamic constants C k(i), in seawater for given temperature, salinity, pressure. The C calculated constants are on the sws ph scale. C these constants assume the concentrations are in molality. C the equilibrium constants to be calculated are: C k(1) = dissociation constant of h2o C k(2) = 1st dissociation constant of co2(aq) C k(3) = 2nd dissociation constant of co2(aq) C k(4) = dissociation constant of b(oh)3 C k(5) = 1st dissociation constant of h3po4 C k(6) = 2nd dissociation constant of h3po4 C k(7) = 3nd dissociation constant of h3po4 C k(8) = dissociation constant of hno3 C k(9) = dissociation constant of nh4 C k(10) = 1st dissociation constant of h2s C k(11) = solubility product of caco3 (aragonite) C k(12) = solubility product of caco3 (calcite) C correction to in situ pressure uses the basic correction formula: C ln(kp/k0) = - dv/(r*tk)*pp + 0.5*dk/(r*tk)*pp*pp C where dv is the change in partial molal volume and dk is the C compressibility. pressure pp is water pressure over atmospheric C in bars. C C INPUT: C t : temperature of seawater at the specific location [deg C] C s : salinity of seawater at the specific location [PSU] C p : pressure at the specific location [atm, (with 1 atm C at sea surface)] C C OUTPUT: C k(12) : equilibrium constants C C ORIGINAL AUTHOR: C Bernard Boudreau C Dept. Oceanography C Dalhousie University C Halifax, NS B3H 4J1,Canada C C MINOR CHANGES: C Roger Luff and Matthias Haeckel 98-12-07 C GEOMAR Research Centre for Marine Geosciences C Wischhofstr. 1-3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany C C C DISCLAIMER: C This software is provided "as it is" without warranty of any kind. C C REFERENCES: C Boudreau B. P. (1996) "A method-of-lines code for carbon and C nutrient diagenesis in aquatic sediments". Computers & Geosciences C 22(5), 479-496. C Clegg S. L. and Whitefield M. (1995) "A chemical model of seawater C including dissolved ammonia and the stoichiometric dissociation C constant of ammonia in estuarine water and seawater from -2 to C 40C." Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59(12), 2403-2421. C Fofonoff P. and Millard R. C. (1983) "Algorithms for computation C of fundamental properties of seawater." UNESCO Technical Paper C in Marine Science 44, 53. C Luff, Haeckel and Wallmann (submitted) "Robust and fast FORTRAN C and MATLAB libraries to calculate pH distributions in C marine systems", Computers & Geosciences. C Millero F. J. (1983) "Influence of pressure on chemical processes C in the sea." In Chemical Oceanography 2nd ed., Vol. 8 (ed. J. P. C Riley and R. Chester), pp. 1-88. Academic Press. C Millero F. J. (1995) "Thermodynamics of the carbon dioxide system C in the oceans." Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59(4), 661-677. C------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT double precision (A-H,K,L,O-Z) double precision K(12) TK = T + 273.15D+00 LNTK = LOG(TK) S2 = S*S SQS = SQRT(S) S23 = SQRT(S*S*S) PP = (P-1.0)*1.013D+00 R = 83.147D+00 C------------------------------------------------------------------- C 1) WATER: C------------------------------------------------------------------- LNK1 = 148.9802 - 13847.26/TK - 23.6521*LNTK LNK1 = LNK1 + (-5.977 + 118.67/TK + 1.0495*LNTK)*SQS - 0.01615*S DVW = - 20.02 + 0.1119*T - 1.4096D-03*T*T DKW = (-5.13 + 0.0794*T)/1000.0 LNK1 = - DVW/(R*TK)*PP + 0.5*DKW/(R*TK)*PP*PP + LNK1 K(1) = EXP(LNK1) C------------------------------------------------------------------- C 2) CARBONIC ACID (using the combined, i.e. COM, equations) C------------------------------------------------------------------- LNKC1 = 2.18867 - 2275.036/TK - 1.468591*LNTK LNKC1 = LNKC1 + (-0.138681 - 9.33291/TK)*SQS LNKC1 = LNKC1 + 0.0726483*S - 0.00574938*S23 A0 = 25.50 A1 = 0.151 A2 = - 0.1271 DV = -(A0 + A1*(S-34.8) + A2*T) B0 = 3.08 B1 = 0.578 B2 = - 0.0877 DK = - (B0 + B1*(S-34.8) + B2*T)/1000.0 LNKC1 = - DV/(R*TK)*PP + 0.5*DK/(R*TK)*PP*PP + LNKC1 K(2) = EXP(LNKC1) LNKC2 = -0.84226 - 3741.1288/TK - 1.437139*LNTK LNKC2 = LNKC2 + (-0.128417 - 24.41239/TK)*SQS LNKC2 = LNKC2 + 0.1195308*S - 0.0091284*S23 A0 = 15.82 A1 = - 0.321 A2 = 0.0219 DV = -(A0 + A1*(S-34.8) + A2*T) B0 = - 1.13 B1 = 0.314 B2 = 0.1475 DK = - (B0 + B1*(S-34.8) + B2*T)/1000.0 LNKC2 = - DV/(R*TK)*PP + 0.5*DK/(R*TK)*PP*PP + LNKC2 K(3) = EXP(LNKC2) C------------------------------------------------------------------- C 3) BORIC ACID C------------------------------------------------------------------- LNKB = (-8966.90 -2890.51*SQS -77.942*S +1.726*S23 -0.0993*S2)/TK LNKB = LNKB + (148.0248 + 137.194*SQS + 1.62247*S) LNKB = LNKB + (-24.4344 - 25.085*SQS - 0.2474*S)*LNTK LNKB = LNKB + 0.053105*SQS*TK A0 = 29.48 A1 = - 0.295 A2 = - 0.1622 A3 = 2.608D-03 DV = -(A0 + A1*(S-34.8) + A2*T + A3*T*T) B0 = 2.84 B1 = - 0.354 DK = - (B0 + B1*(S-34.8))/1000.0 LNKB = - DV/(R*TK)*PP + 0.5*DK/(R*TK)*PP*PP + LNKB K(4) = EXP(LNKB) C------------------------------------------------------------------- C 4) PHOSPHORIC ACID C------------------------------------------------------------------- LNKP1 = 115.54 - 4576.752/TK - 18.453*LNTK LNKP1 = LNKP1 + (0.69171 - 106.736/TK)*SQS LNKP1 = LNKP1 + (-0.01844 - 0.65643/TK)*S DV = - 14.51 + 0.1211*T - 0.321D-03*T*T DK = (-2.67 + 0.0427*T)/1000.0 LNKP1 = - DV/(R*TK)*PP + 0.5*DK/(R*TK)*PP*PP + LNKP1 K(5) = EXP(LNKP1) LNKP2 = 172.1033 - 8814.715/TK - 27.927*LNTK LNKP2 = LNKP2 + (1.3566 - 160.34/TK)*SQS LNKP2 = LNKP2 + (-0.05778 + 0.37335/TK)*S DV = - 23.12 + 0.1758*T - 2.647D-03*T*T DK = (-5.15 + 0.0900*T)/1000.0 LNKP2 = - DV/(R*TK)*PP + 0.5*DK/(R*TK)*PP*PP + LNKP2 K(6) = EXP(LNKP2) LNKP3 = -18.126 - 3070.75/TK LNKP3 = LNKP3 + (2.81197 + 17.27039/TK)*SQS LNKP3 = LNKP3 + (-0.09984 - 44.99486/TK)*S DV = - 26.57 + 0.2020*T - 3.042D-03*T*T DK = (-4.08 + 0.0714*T)/1000.0 LNKP3 = - DV/(R*TK)*PP + 0.5*DK/(R*TK)*PP*PP + LNKP3 K(7) = EXP(LNKP3) C------------------------------------------------------------------- C 5) NITRIC ACID C------------------------------------------------------------------- K(8) = 23.44 C------------------------------------------------------------------- C 6) AMMONIA C------------------------------------------------------------------- LNK9 = - 6285.33/TK + 0.0001635*TK - 0.25444 & + (0.46532 - 123.7184/TK)*SQS & + (-0.01992 + 3.17556/TK)*S C------------------------------------------------------------------- C note: Millero (1983) gives the DV and DK for the reaction C NH3 + H2O = NH4 + OH C while the value calculated by this program is for the reaction C NH4 = NH3 + H C To get the desired value, the DV for water is subtracted from C the Millero DV and the the negative of this resulting number is C used. C------------------------------------------------------------------- DV = - 26.43 + 0.0889*T - 0.905-03*T*T DK = (-5.03 + 0.0814*T)/1000.0 DV = - (DV - DVW) DK = - (DK - DKW) LNK9 = - DV/(R*TK)*PP + 0.5*DK/(R*TK)*PP*PP + LNK9 K(9) = EXP(LNK9) C------------------------------------------------------------------- C 7) HYDROGEN SULFIDE C------------------------------------------------------------------- LNKS = 225.838 - 13275/TK - 34.6435*LNTK + 0.3449*SQS - 0.0274*S DV = - 11.07 + 0.009*T - 0.942-03*T*T DK = (-2.89 + 0.054*T)/1000.0 LNKS = - DV/(R*TK)*PP + 0.5*DK/(R*TK)*PP*PP + LNKS K(10) = EXP(LNKS) C------------------------------------------------------------------- C 8) CALCITE & ARAGONITE C------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGK12 = - 171.9065 - 0.077993*TK + 2839.319/TK + 71.595*LOG10(TK) LOGK12 = LOGK12 + (-0.77712 + 2.8426D-03*TK + 178.34/TK)*SQS & - 0.07711*S + 4.1249D-03*S23 K(12) = 10**(LOGK12) LNK12 = LOG(K(12)) DVC = - (48.76 - 0.5304*T) DKC = - (11.76 - 0.3692*T)/1000.0 LNK12 = - DVC/(R*TK)*PP + 0.5*DKC/(R*TK)*PP*PP + LNK12 K(12) = EXP(LNK12) LOGK11 = - 171.945 - 0.077993*TK + 2903.293/TK + 71.595*LOG10(TK) LOGK11 = LOGK11 + (-0.068393 + 1.7276D-03*TK + 88.135/TK)*SQS & - 0.10018*S + 5.9415D-03*S23 K(11) = 10**(LOGK11) DVA = DVC + 2.8 DKA = DKC LNK11 = LOG(K(11)) LNK11 = - DVC/(R*TK)*PP + 0.5*DKC/(R*TK)*PP*PP + LNK11 K(11) = EXP(LNK11) C K(1) = K(1)*1.0D+06 K(2) = K(2)*1.0D+03 K(3) = K(3)*1.0D+03 K(4) = K(4)*1.0D+03 K(5) = K(5)*1.0D+03 K(6) = K(6)*1.0D+03 K(7) = K(7)*1.0D+03 K(8) = K(8)*1.0D+03 K(9) = K(9)*1.0D+03 K(10) = K(10)*1.0D+03 K(11) = K(11)*1.0D+06 K(12) = K(12)*1.0D+06 RETURN END