subroutine ph_swconst(salt,rsw,tbohw,so4w,ssum,caw) C------------------------------------------------------------------- C PH_SWCONST $Revision: 1.0 $ $Date: 1998/12/07 $ C C USAGE: C double precision salt,rsw,tbohw,so4w,ssum,caw C call ph_swconst(salt,rsw,tbohw,so4w,ssum,caw) C SEE ph_test.f FOR DETAILS OF USING THIS PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C C DESCRIPTION: C calculate concentrations of conservative species (change these C to appropriate values if the porewater is not seawater based.) C C INPUT: C salt : salinity of seawater at the specific location [PSU] C rsw : density of seawater at the specific location [kg/m^3] C C OUTPUT: C ssum : sum concentration of the conservative species in seawater C tbohw : concentration of total borate in seawater C caw : concentration of total calcite in seawater C so4w : concentration of total sulfate in seawater C C ORIGINAL AUTHOR OF THE FORTRAN VERSION: C Bernard Boudreau C Dept. Oceanography C Dalhousie University C Halifax, NS B3H 4J1,Canada C C MINOR CHANGES BY: C Roger Luff and Matthias Haeckel 98-12-07 C GEOMAR Research Centre for Marine Geosciences C Wischhofstr. 1-3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany C C C DISCLAIMER: C This software is provided "as it is" without warranty of any kind. C C REFERENCES: C Boudreau B. P. (1996) A method-of-lines code for carbon and C nutrient diagenesis in aquatic sediments.Computers & Geosciences C 22(5), 479-496. C Luff, Haeckel and Wallmann (submitted) "Robust and fast FORTRAN C and MATLAB libraries to calculate pH distributions in C marine systems", Computers & Geosciences. C------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none double precision chl, rsw, ccl, cna, cmg, ck, csr, cbr,refs double precision cf, cli, crb,salt,tbohw,so4w,ssum,caw C CALCULATE CONCENTRATIONS OF CONSERVATIVE SPECIES C (Change these to appropriate values if the porewater C is not seawater based.) REFS= 3.5D+01 CHL = salt/1.80655D+00 CCL = CHL*0.0281756D+00*RSW CNA = CHL*0.0242077D+00*RSW CMG = CHL*0.0027262D+00*RSW CAW = CHL*0.0005307D+00*RSW CK = CHL*0.0005268D+00*RSW CSR = CHL*0.0000047D+00*RSW so4w = CHL*0.00145753*RSW CBR = CHL*0.0000434*RSW CF = CHL*0.0000035*RSW tbohw = 1.212D-05*salt*RSW CLI = 0.0265*salt/REFS CRB = 0.00135*salt/REFS SSUM = (CNA+CK+CLI+CRB+2.0D+00*(CMG+CSR))-(CCL+CF+CBR) return end